Country Data Project

This project aims to design a visually coherent group of information graphics about an assigned country. 30 types of required data are included in the design.

An accordion format is employed for a more directly visual flow. A timeline consolidates historical dates and population data. A map in the middle panel consolidates many geographical and social data. The right panel presents economics data in blocks.

(Adobe Illustrator)

Round the Corner (or very far away…) from Providence Biltmore

This project aims to design a map/diagram which documents three trips. The assignment requires at least 15 kinds of information in each trip using a combination of color, texture, marks, symbols, and typeset phrase or sentence.

The three trips presented are based on personal experiences. A circular design is employed on a large flat panel to consolidate three different trips in a more compact presentation. Icons are gathered from online resources and widely used for a more direct visual communication of events in the trip.

(Adobe Illustrator)